
  • ThemeService



Event: typeof ThemeServiceEvent = ThemeServiceEvent
_colorScheme: ColorScheme
_observer: Observer<ThemeServiceEvent> = ...
_storageServiceListener: ObserverDestructor
_styleScheme: StyleScheme
_windowEventServiceListener: ObserverDestructor
_windowServiceListener: ObserverDestructor


  • Sends a message to set color scheme on remote target.

    This should be something that can receive events.


    • value: ColorScheme

      The color schema to use. If you specify 'undefined' the user defined value will be removed (eg. browser's choice will be active then).

    • target: WindowServiceEventTargetObject

      This should be the object from window.open() or window.opener() or HTMLIFrameElement.contentWindow or window.parent, etc

    • origin: string = '*'

      Optional origin. Generally it's unsafe to use '*' but dark/light theme value is not very big secret.

    Returns void

  • Sends a message to remove a color scheme from remote target.

    This should be something that can receive events.


    • target: WindowServiceEventTargetObject

      This should be the object from window.open() or window.opener() or HTMLIFrameElement.contentWindow or window.parent, etc

    • origin: string = '*'

      Optional origin. Generally it's unsafe to use '*' but dark/light theme value is not very big secret.

    Returns void

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