Mocked version of OpenAiClient for testing purposes.

Usage example:

import { HgAiCommandServiceImpl } from "./HgAiCommandServiceImpl";
import { MockOpenAiClient } from "./MockOpenAiClient";

describe("HgAiCommandServiceImpl", () => {
let service: HgAiCommandServiceImpl;
let client: MockOpenAiClient;

beforeEach(() => {
client = new MockOpenAiClient();
service = new HgAiCommandServiceImpl(client);

// Your tests go here


  • MockOpenAiClient






  • Calls the OpenAI APIs text completion endpoint to generate text based on the given prompt.

    Default values for the optional parameters are selected based on the model.


    • A promise that resolves to the response from the OpenAI API.


    • If the OpenAI API returns an error.


    • If the OpenAI API returns a response in an unexpected format.


    • prompt: string

      The prompt to use for text completion.

    • Optional model: string

      The OpenAI API model to use for text completion.

    • Optional max_tokens: number

      The maximum number of tokens (words and punctuation) to generate in the completion.

    • Optional temperature: number

      Controls the "creativity" of the completion. A higher value means the model will take more risks.

    • Optional top_p: number

      Controls the "confidence" of the completion. A lower value means the model will be more confident in its words.

    • Optional frequency_penalty: number

      Controls the "diversity" of the completion. A higher value means the model will avoid repetition of words.

    • Optional presence_penalty: number

      Controls the "relevance" of the completion. A higher value means the model will try to match the prompt more closely.

    Returns Promise<OpenAiCompletionResponseDTO>

  • Calls the OpenAI APIs text edit endpoint to generate text based on the given input and instruction.

    Default values for the optional parameters are selected based on the model.


    • A promise that resolves to the response from the OpenAI API.


    • If the OpenAI API returns an error.


    • If the OpenAI API returns a response in an unexpected format.


    • instruction: string

      The instruction to use for text editing.

    • Optional input: string

      The input to use for text editing.

    • Optional model: string

      The OpenAI API model to use for text completion.

    • Optional n: number
    • Optional temperature: number

      Controls the "creativity" of the completion. A higher value means the model will take more risks.

    • Optional top_p: number

      Controls the "confidence" of the completion. A lower value means the model will be more confident in its words.

    Returns Promise<OpenAiEditResponseDTO>

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